Microwave Magic: Sunny Side Up Eggs in Minutes

how to make sunny side up eggs in microwave

How to Make Sunny Side Up Eggs in the Microwave: A Culinary Symphony in Minutes

Amidst the chorus of breakfast options, sunny side up eggs stand out with their golden yolk and delicate white, a culinary symphony that delights the senses. While traditionally prepared in a skillet, these delightful eggs can also be crafted in the microwave, a modern convenience that streamlines the process without compromising taste. Embark on this culinary journey as we guide you through the art of making sunny side up eggs in the microwave, transforming your mornings into a symphony of flavors.

1. Gather Your Culinary Ensemble:

  • Eggs: The foundation of our culinary creation, select large, fresh eggs at the peak of their vitality.
  • Microwave-Safe Plate: A sturdy and heat-resistant plate will serve as the canvas for your egg masterpiece.
  • Cooking Spray: A light mist of cooking spray will prevent the eggs from sticking, ensuring a smooth release.
  • Salt and Pepper: The essential seasonings to enhance the natural flavors of the eggs.
  • Spatula: A trusty spatula will gently coax the eggs from the plate, preserving their delicate structure.

2. Preparing the Microwave Stage:

Microwave-Safe Plate

  • Cleanliness is Paramount: Ensure the microwave is free of food particles and debris, creating a clean and hygienic environment for your culinary creation.
  • Plate Positioning: Place the microwave-safe plate in the center of the turntable, ensuring even cooking and preventing uneven heating.

3. Nurturing the Eggs:

Cracking an Egg

  • Cradle the Egg: Gently crack the egg into a small bowl, preserving the integrity of the yolk.
  • Transfer with Care: Carefully pour the egg from the bowl onto the center of the prepared microwave-safe plate.

4. Seasoning the Symphony:

Seasoning Eggs

  • Salt and Pepper Harmony: Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over the egg, enhancing its natural flavors.
  • Customization Symphony: Explore culinary variations by adding a dash of paprika, herbs, or shredded cheese to create a unique flavor profile.

5. The Microwave Maestro:

  • Power and Duration: Set the microwave to medium power (50-70% power) for 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the desired level of doneness.
  • Microwave Monitoring: Keep a watchful eye on the egg during cooking, checking every 15 seconds to prevent overcooking.

6. Unveiling the Culinary Creation:

Cooked Sunny Side Up Egg

  • Rest and Reflection: Remove the plate from the microwave and allow the egg to rest for a few moments, allowing the residual heat to gently cook the yolk to perfection.
  • Gently Transfer: With the spatula, carefully transfer the sunny side up egg to a serving plate or toast, preserving its delicate structure.

7. Savoring the Culinary Symphony:

  • Visual Delight: Admire the vibrant yolk, surrounded by the delicate white, a visual feast for the eyes.
  • Flavorful Journey: Savor the creamy richness of the yolk, complemented by the seasoned white, a symphony of flavors in every bite.


Sunny side up eggs in the microwave are a culinary delight, a testament to the versatility of this modern kitchen appliance. With just a few simple steps, you can create a delectable breakfast that is both quick and satisfying. So, embrace the convenience of your microwave and embark on this culinary journey, transforming your mornings into a symphony of flavors with sunny side up eggs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Can I cook multiple eggs at once in the microwave?
  • Yes, you can cook multiple eggs simultaneously by placing them on separate microwave-safe plates. Adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure even cooking.
  1. What if I prefer a runny yolk?
  • For a runny yolk, reduce the cooking time to 20-25 seconds on medium power. Keep in mind that cooking times may vary depending on the microwave's wattage.
  1. Can I add other ingredients to my sunny side up eggs?
  • Absolutely! Feel free to add vegetables like chopped bell peppers, onions, or spinach before cooking. You can also sprinkle cheese on top of the eggs for a cheesy variation.
  1. How can I ensure even cooking in the microwave?
  • To promote even cooking, rotate the plate halfway through the cooking time. This ensures that the egg cooks uniformly on both sides.
  1. What are some serving suggestions for sunny side up eggs?
  • Serve sunny side up eggs with toast, breakfast potatoes, or a fresh salad for a complete and satisfying meal. You can also enjoy them on top of burgers or sandwiches for a protein-packed treat.
