Noodle Know-How: Easy Recipes and Tips from BBC Good Food

how to cook noodles bbc good food

How to Cook Noodles: A Comprehensive Guide by BBC Good Food

1. Selecting the Right Noodles

  • Begin your culinary journey by choosing the perfect noodles. From delicate rice noodles to hearty whole wheat pasta, each type offers a unique texture and flavor profile. Consider the dish you're preparing and the desired consistency to make an informed selection.

[Image: Flat Lay of Various Noodles in Bowls]

2. Preparing the Noodles

  • Before immersing them in boiling water, take a moment to prepare your noodles. Rice noodles often require soaking in warm water to soften, while egg noodles may need to be separated if they've clumped together. Follow the instructions on the package to ensure proper preparation.

[Image: Soaking Rice Noodles in a Bowl]

3. Boiling the Noodles

  • Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Generously salt the water to enhance the flavor of the noodles. Carefully add the noodles and stir gently to prevent them from sticking together. Cook according to the package instructions, or until they reach your desired tenderness.

[Image: Noodles Boiling in a Pot]

4. Draining and Rinsing the Noodles

  • Once the noodles have reached their ideal texture, swiftly drain them in a colander. Rinse the noodles under cold water to stop the cooking process and prevent them from becoming sticky. This step also removes excess starch, resulting in separate and flavorful noodles.

[Image: Draining Noodles in a Colander]

5. Seasoning and Dressing the Noodles

  • Now it's time to add some tantalizing flavors to your noodles. Toss them with a drizzle of sesame oil or olive oil to prevent sticking. Enhance their taste with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs or spices. You can also add a splash of vinegar or citrus juice for a refreshing touch.

[Image: Noodles Being Tossed with Seasonings]

6. Incorporating Noodles into Dishes

  • Unleash your culinary creativity by incorporating noodles into a variety of dishes. Stir-fries, soups, salads, and pasta dishes are just a few examples. Whether you're craving a hearty noodle bowl or a light and refreshing salad, noodles offer endless possibilities.

[Image: Stir-Fry Noodles with Vegetables]

7. Cooking Different Types of Noodles

  • Embark on a culinary adventure as you explore the diverse world of noodles. Each type possesses unique characteristics that contribute to the overall flavor and texture of a dish. Discover the nuances of rice noodles, egg noodles, soba noodles, udon noodles, and ramen noodles, among many others.

[Image: Assortment of Different Types of Noodles]

8. Tips for Perfect Noodles

  • Elevate your noodle-cooking prowess with these invaluable tips. Use a large pot to provide ample space for the noodles to cook evenly. Avoid overcrowding the pot, as this can result in uneven cooking and mushy noodles. Keep an eye on the noodles during cooking to ensure they don't overcook.

[Image: Noodles Cooking in a Large Pot]

9. Troubleshooting Common Noodle Problems

  • Encountering challenges in your noodle-cooking journey? Fear not, for common problems have simple solutions. If your noodles are sticking together, try adding a drizzle of oil to the water before cooking. If they become too mushy, reduce the cooking time. To prevent noodles from becoming bland, season them generously with salt and other flavorings.

[Image: Troubleshooting Noodle Problems]

10. Storing and Reheating Noodles

  • Extend the lifespan of your cooked noodles by storing them properly. Transfer them to an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. When ready to reheat, simply microwave the noodles in a covered container until they're warm. Alternatively, you can stir-fry them in a pan with a drizzle of oil until heated through.

[Image: Noodles Stored in an Airtight Container]

11. Experimenting with Noodle Dishes

  • Unleash your culinary creativity by experimenting with various noodle dishes from around the world. Indulge in the savory flavors of Pad Thai, explore the vibrant tastes of Vietnamese Pho, or savor the comforting warmth of Italian pasta dishes. The possibilities are endless.

[Image: Pad Thai Noodles with Shrimp and Vegetables]

12. Mastering Noodle Etiquette

  • Enhance your dining experience by mastering noodle etiquette. Use chopsticks or a fork to twirl the noodles around your utensil, rather than slurping them directly from the bowl. Hold the bowl close to your mouth to avoid spilling, and enjoy the flavors and textures of your noodle dish mindfully.

[Image: Person Eating Noodles with Chopsticks]

13. Noodle Safety and Hygiene

  • Prioritize food safety when preparing and consuming noodles. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling noodles, and ensure that all cooking utensils are clean. Cook noodles to the recommended temperature to eliminate any potential bacteria. Store leftover noodles in an airtight container and refrigerate them promptly to prevent spoilage.

[Image: Noodles Being Washed in a Colander]

14. Nutritional Value of Noodles

  • Noodles provide a valuable source of carbohydrates, supplying energy for your active lifestyle. They also contain essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins. Whole wheat noodles are particularly rich in fiber, promoting digestive health and satiety.

[Image: Bowl of Whole Wheat Noodles with Vegetables]

15. Healthier Noodle Options

  • Embrace healthier noodle choices to promote a balanced diet. Opt for whole wheat noodles, brown rice noodles, or vegetable noodles for a nutritious twist. These noodles are lower in refined carbohydrates and higher in fiber, making them a healthier alternative to traditional white noodles.

[Image: Variety of Healthy Noodle Options]


The art of noodle cookery is a culinary journey filled with endless possibilities. From selecting the perfect noodles to experimenting with diverse dishes, each step offers a chance to create a delicious and satisfying meal. So venture into the world of noodles and let your taste buds embark on a culinary adventure like never before.


  1. Can I use different types of noodles interchangeably?

    While different types of noodles share similarities, they may vary in texture, flavor, and cooking time. Substituting one type for another may alter the overall outcome of your dish. For best results, refer to the recipe or package instructions for specific noodle recommendations.

  2. How do I prevent noodles from sticking together?

    To prevent noodles from sticking together during cooking, add a drizzle of oil to the boiling water before adding the noodles. Alternatively, you can rinse the noodles with cold water after cooking to remove excess starch, which can cause sticking.

  3. Can I cook noodles in advance?

    Yes, you can cook noodles in advance and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When ready to use, reheat the noodles in a microwave or stir-fry them in a pan with a drizzle of oil until heated through.

  4. What are some healthy noodle options?

    For a healthier noodle choice, opt for whole wheat noodles, brown rice noodles, or vegetable noodles. These noodles are lower in refined carbohydrates and higher in fiber, making them a nutritious alternative to traditional white noodles.

  5. How can I incorporate noodles into my diet?

    Noodles offer a versatile culinary canvas, lending themselves to various dishes. You can incorporate them into stir-fries, soups, salads, and pasta dishes. Whether you're craving a hearty noodle bowl or a light and refreshing salad, noodles offer endless possibilities.

